

About Katsurao Village
Katsurao Village is located in Hamadori, Fukushima Prefecture, and belongs to Futaba County.Due to the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant accident on 11 March 2011, all villagers were evacuated out of the village (which was reorganised on 22 March 2013 into the evacuation order lifting preparation zone, restricted residential zone and difficult-to-return zone). The evacuation order was lifted on 12 June 2016, with the exception of the evacuation zone (which was reorganised into the evacuation order lifting preparation zone, restricted residential zone and difficult-to-return zone on 22 March 2013). After the nuclear accident, a temporary office was set up in Aizu Sakashita town; the temporary office was moved to Miharu town on 15 June 2011. All operations were then resumed at the original Katsurao Village Hall from 1 April 2016.
Some areas were opened for the first time in the difficult-to-return zone on 12 June 2022.



Katsurao AIR
Katsurao AIRは福島県葛尾村内で実施する、「対話」「参加」「協働」をベースとしたアーティストインレジデンスです。
Katsurao Collectiveによるプロジェクト実践や参加アーティスト自身による地域コミュニティへの実践、参加を通じて、この地にアート活動を通じた共同体を創出し、地域資源の発掘、交流人口の増加、地域の課題解決、人的ネットワークの構築を通じて移住定住などの課題にアプローチします。東日本大震災で一時的に帰宅困難地域となり、現在多くの課題を抱えるこの地域に、アートの力を通じて新たな創造の芽とネットワークを育みます。

Katsurao AIR is an Artist in Residence programme based on dialogue, participation and collaboration in Katsurao Village, Fukushima Prefecture.
Through project practice by the Katsurao Collective and the participating artists’ own practice and participation in the local community, a community is created here through art activities, and issues such as the discovery of local resources, increasing the number of people interacting with the area, solving local problems and building a human network to facilitate migration and settlement are approached. Approaches to issues such as migration and settlement through the development of human networks. The project will nurture new seeds of creativity and networks through the power of art in this region, which was temporarily made homeless by the Great East Japan Earthquake and is currently facing many challenges.


About this project
Katsuo Collective creates a platform based on art activities by creating a population of exchange
relations through the implementation of artist-in-residence, educational programmes, exhibition planning and community activities.

